MySql Queary

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<SQL  Query>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

select * from Customer;

select custname,dob,salary from Customer;

select custname as Customer_Name, dob,salary from Customer;

select custname as 'Customer Name', dob,salary from Customer;

select custname,dob,salary, (salary * 0.03) as ETF from Customer;

--Question 01
Customer Name   Salary    ETP   EPF   Commission   Net_Salary
Danapala       300000     255   545     1250        25966.00

ETP = salary x 3%
ETP = salary x 12%
commission = {salary - (epf + etf) } x 3%
net_salary = salary - (epf + etf + commission)

select custname,dob,salary,(salary *0.03) as ETF,(salary*0.12) as EPF,(salary -((salary *0.03)+(salary*0.12)))*0.03 as commission,salary-((salary*0.03)+(salary*0.12)+((salary -((salary *0.03)+(salary*0.12)))*0.03)) as net_salary from customer;

   ------------ ORDER BY CLAUSE 
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by salary;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by salary asc;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by salary desc;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by custname desc;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by salary asc,
custname desc ;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by 3 asc,
1 desc ;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by salary desc 
limit 1;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer order by salary asc 
limit 10;
   ------------ WHERE  CLAUSE 
select custname,dob,salary , salary >= 75000 from Customer 
where salary >= 75000;   
select custname,dob,salary , salary >= 75000
from Customer  where salary >= 75000  || salary <=40000;   
-- can use OR or AND 
select custname,dob,salary from Customer
where dob='1980-01-05' and salary >= 75000;    
select custname,dob,salary from Customer
where salary between 40000 and 75000;
select custname,dob,salary from Customer
where salary not between 40000 and 75000;
select custname,dob,salary ,province from Customer
where province IN ('Western','Southern');
select custname,dob,salary ,province from Customer
where province NOT IN ('Western','Southern');
   ------------ like   -useful for search
select custname,dob from Customer
where custname like 'Danapala';
select custname,dob from Customer
where custname like '%pala';
select custname,dob from Customer
where custname like 'Som%';
select custname,dob from Customer
where custname like '%ma%';

1. Find the name of the customer who born in 1st of january or april
select custname,dob
from Customer
where day(dob) = 1 && (month(dob)=1 || month(dob)=4);
2. find the name of the customer who has reached to 80 year in age
select custname,dob
from Customer
where year(curdate()) - year(dob) >= 80;
select custname, year(curdate()) - year(dob) >= 80 as age 
from Customer;
3. Find the name of the customer who has reached to 60 year in age 
and earn more than 50000 as their salary. 
select custname,dob
from Customer
where (year(curdate()) - year(dob) >= 60) && salary >= 50000;
-- differences between having and where 
select custname, year(curdate()) - year(dob) as age
from Customer where age >=80; -- this is incorrect bcz manupulated 
-- columns can not be used in 'where' clause 
select custname, year(curdate()) - year(dob) as age
from Customer having age >=80; -- this is correct bcz age has been defined 
-- in select statement
select custname   -- this is incorrect 
from Customer  having salary >= 75000; 
select custname -- this is correct bcoz salary has been defined in customer table
from Customer  where  salary >= 75000; 

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Join  Query / Nested & Other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

select custid,count(orderid)
from orders
group by custid;

select empid,count(loanid)
from loan
group by empid;

select name,count(loanid)
from loan
group by empid;

------ how to join tables -------------------------------------------
-- cross join
select * from employee cross join loan;
select * from employee cross join loan using(empid);
-- left join
-- this will not run without a key
select * from employee left join loan;
-- giving frist priority to employee table
select * from employee left join loan using(empid);
-- giving first priority to loan table therefore we can
-- avoid null values.
select * from employee right join loan using (empid);
-- traditional join / equivalent join
-- where clause is needed to join table
select * from employee,loan
where employee.empid=loan.empid;
select * from employee e,loan l
where e.empid=l.empid;
-- natural join -------------------------
select * from employee natural join loan;

--  Questions

1. Find the customer names who has taken loans
        select distinct name
        from employee e, loan l
        where e.empid=l.empid;

2. Find the customer name and no of loans have been taken
        select name,count(loanid) as No_of_loans
        from employee e, loan l
        where e.empid= l.empid
        group by e.empid;

3. Find the customer names and the totoal loan amount
        select name,sum(loan_amount) as TotalLoans
        from employee e,loan l
        where e.empid=l.empid
        group by e.empid;

4. find the customers who have taken loan from western province
        select name,province
        from employee e, loan l
        where e.empid=l.empid and province='Western'

5. find the customers who have taken above 150000.00 of their total
        select name,sum(loan_amount) as total_loan
        from employee e,loan l
        where e.empid=l.empid
        having total_loan >= 150000;

6. Find the customers who have taken loans on 01-03-2017
        select name
        from employee e, loan l
        where e.empid=l.empid and loan_date='01-03-2017';

Find the total loan amount of 01-03-2017
 select sum(loan_amount)
from loan
where loan_date =  '2017-03-01';

7. Find the customers who have taken loans from 01-03-2017 to 30-03-2017

----------- lets move to gdse41 database

-- Questions

1. Find the customers who have made orders?

select custname
from Customer c,Orders o
where c.custid=o.custid;

select *
from Customer c,Orders o
where c.custid=o.custid;

2. Find the no of orders of each item
        Keerisamba 10ke            orders 12
-- is there any connection between item and orderdeail tables?
select description, count(orderid) as no_of_orders
from Item i,OrderDetail od
where i.itemcode=od.itemcode
group by i.itemcode;

3. Find  10 fast moving items of the company

select description, count(orderid) as no_of_orders
from Item i,OrderDetail od
where i.itemcode=od.itemcode
group by i.itemcode
order by 2 desc limit 10;

4. Find the total income of each order?

select orderid,sum(orderQty * unitPrice)
from OrderDetail od, Item i
where od.itemcode=i.itemcode
group by orderid;

select orderid,sum(orderQty * unitPrice)
from OrderDetail od, Item i
where od.itemcode=i.itemcode
group by orderid order by 2 desc limit 10;

5.  Find the totoal income of each item which company received.
   item            total icome
Keerisamba           45000.00

select description,sum(orderQty * unitPrice)
from OrderDetail od, Item i
where od.itemcode=i.itemcode
group by i.itemcode
order by 2 desc;

6. Find the total quantity of each item which company sold between
   2008 to 2009

        Item Name               Total_Qty_sold
    Keerisamba 10 kg             75

select description,sum(orderqty)
from Item i,OrderDetail od, Orders o
where o.orderid=od.orderid && od.itemcode=i.itemcode
        && year(orderdate) =2008
group by i.itemcode
order by 2 desc;

7. Find all items that were ordered by Danapala between 1st of march
   2008 and 31st of august 2008

select distinct description
from Customer c, Orders o, OrderDetail od,Item i
where c.custid=o.custid && o.orderid=od.orderid &&
          od.itemcode=i.itemcode  && orderdate between '2008-03-01'
          and  '2008-08-31' && c.custname='Danapala';

select distinct description, sum(orderqty)
from Customer c, Orders o, OrderDetail od,Item i
where c.custid=o.custid && o.orderid=od.orderid &&
          od.itemcode=i.itemcode  && orderdate between '2008-03-01'
          and  '2008-08-31' && c.custname='Danapala'
group by i.itemcode;

8. Find all the customers who have bought items above 500000.00

select custname,sum((orderqty * unitprice) - (unitprice * discount)/100) as Total_Income
from Customer c, Orders o, OrderDetail od,Item i
where c.custid=o.custid && o.orderid=od.orderid &&
group by c.custid
having total_income >= 500000.00;

-- Sub Query / Neasted Query

-- type 01

select province,max(salary),avg(salary),sum(salary),
(select avg(salary) from Customer) as Full_Avg
from Customer
group by province;

-- type 02

select distinct custname
from Customer c, Orders o
where c.custid=o.custid;

select custname
from Customer
where custid IN (select distinct custid from Orders);

select custname,salary
from Customer
where province IN ('Western','Eastern');

select custname
from Customer
where custid = (select custid from Orders where orderid='D001');

-- for above query
-- '=' sign can use because subquery returns only one value
-- boolean operators can use
select custname
from Customer
where custid = (select custid from Orders);

-------- Delete Query Syntax

from Customer;

delete from Customer
where custid='C001';

-- delete all customers who have made orders
delete from Customer
where custid IN (select distinct custid from Orders);

-- delete all customers who have not made orders yet.
delete from Customer
where custid NOT IN (select distinct custid from Orders);

-- Update Query Syntax

-- Update all customers' name to Danapala
update Customer
set custname = 'Danapala';

update Customer
set custname = 'Danapala Perera' where custid='C001';

      Database Management System Exam
        on 3/4/2017

Practical Exam : at 8.30 am to 11.30 pm   20%
Theory Exam    : 2.00pm to 4.00pm    70%

Pass mark is 40%

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